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Title: Been busy and have news!
Post Text Life has gotten in the way, and it has been some time since I have been able to blog, or to create even a single scrapbook page. I've had tons of work piling on my desk, Mid-terms were literally kicking me in the posterior, and I haven't really been feeling the best as of late. Last week the family started its usual discussions on who's bringing what to Thanksgiving dinner. My house was to be the chosen location for the celebration and while I said, " problem", in my head I was thinking...Great! Something else to do! It's true, I've been told a thousand times. I do it to myself, and every person who has uttered the comment is correct. They say I should be happy JUST working, or I should JUST go to school, or I should JUST not take on so much at home, but I've never been the type of person who can tackle only one thing at a time. I've always been juggling tasks. I suppose in all honesty, I like to be stressed. I like to have more on my plate than I think I can possibly handle. I have found that I work better under pressure and so I suppose unconsiously, I try my best to keep myself on a tight schedule. So as I'm running around like the scatterbrain that I have made myself into, I've got a thousand things popping into my head.... I've got to find the tablecloth! What about extra seating? I don't have television..How am I going to entertain everyone? I wonder what disaster will strike this year? Thinking about everything is just utterly exhausing. And I mean literally exhausting. Then I start thinking about how I've been feeling. Just generally not up to par, completely exhausted, and kind of a constant state of nauseated. And that's when it hit me! So off to the store I go. I live in an extremely small town, and although I'm six months shy of 30 years old, it's still a bit embarassing to see the lady who used to read story books to you in Kindergarten standing right next to you when you are trying to pick out the best pregnancy test. I make my choice, ask to pay for it at the pharmacy counter, and I even ask for it to be double bagged, cause I mean, after all, it's my business. Honestly, I don't know how I made the 15 mile drive back home. I don't remember any of it. I was so caught up in the "what ifs" that I must have been on auto-pilot. I unwrap the test, follow all the instructions, and oh yeah, you guessed it, POSITIVE! I'm happy, and excited, and scared all at the same time..........
What do you do when you work full-time, go to school full-time, have a small farm, three four legged children, a significant other, and no time for yourself or your scrapbook addiction? You scrap on the the office on breaks or when the boss is gone (lol), on the laptop during class, in the college library, ANYWHERE you can find the time!
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