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Title: December already....
Post Text Well it is the last month of the year and it was only last week we started 2006 didnt we? Time goes so fast I am glad we have digital photography to keep track of our year. I have been making stuff from pse4 into a kit for anyone who would like to use the link It is called Seasonal Excitement and is the one I used for the red snowy layout. It has sparkles on the papers. Cut and paste the link into your browser and you will have access to the complete kit. I love sharing my stuff and would be pleased to see a layout that included any of the items. That being said, Im hoping you are all enjoying your scrapping as much as I am. So Happy Scrapping for now sue
Thoughts and idea's on my scrapbooking and stuff and life. Plus some download links to bits and bobs I made and am happy to pass on.
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