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Title: What's up w/ me?
Post Text Life takes many twists and turns and being a Gemini I often working on 1 project and start another ...same for books etc I dove into this site feet 1st and loved it is combined my love of phototraghy comupters braging on my family and great friends all ino ne place and I was going strong then BAM I wnet down hill I dodn't have the drive to take photos let alone scrap them then as I started an upswing my father in law passed away ..I was down again... then the most wonderful thing happened my hubby fullfilled his dad's dying wish...that he get back into 1st he was there in body only then he begand playing in the contemperary praise and worship group and he was loving playing in a group again but it was still in body only then he had a week we all have had or will have he was hit left and right with proof he has been a witness and made a differance even when he wasn't trying 1st a formor client (he's a bail bondsman) came to speak at the church w/ her baby and he rememberd talking w/ her about 2 yrs ago when she was pregnant single and looking at jail time and thinging of abortion and low and behole there she was with a health baby speaking about what changed her life had taken. Then 4 different clients came up to him after court at various times and ask that he pray for them...can you say AMEN!!! so with him being so active in the church Morgan in 3rd grade and Seth in preschool 2 days a week seems when I do get quite time I spend it resting please pray for me to have wisdom in dealing w/ my health and family and that I'm better able to manage that time so I can spend some more here with all of you God Bless Stacey
I feel I've left so many TRUe friend I've met here in the dark and I' sorry
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