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Title: Merry Christmas
Post Text I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, however or whatever you celebrate :) My brother is coming into town on Christmas Eve and we will spend it with my mother. On Christmas morning they will come to my place to open presents, and then we head over to my bf's mom's for a big supper with over 20 people. Yikes. I am used to small gatherings lol. I might hide in the corner with a plate of yummies :) Then it's back to our place to relax for the rest of the evening and play with whatever Santa brought us ;) We don't have Darian this year so that is a bit sad but she is the only grandchild on that side of the family so she will be treated like the royal princess that she is and have a wonderful time. Hopefully she will be back with us around New Years to open the rest of her presents. I got her a kareoke machine that is really partly for meeeeeeee and I bought some discs for myself as a present too HAHA. Oh the neighbours won't be happy after I get going on that thing ;)
.... of a tormented mind ;-)
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