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Title: Photo Editing
Post Text I'm too cheap to buy Photoshop software, so I found a free download. 30 minutes into the new program, I uninstalled it from my computer. I was so frustrated. Then I found Picasa by Google. It doesn't have all the features I want, but it's free, and I easily learned how to use it. So I edited the Sleeping Angels picture just for fun and doctored up a few others. I still need a lot of practice. I did one of Emma's pictures from our trip to the park last week. I'm not sure if I like it, but I rarely like the outcome of my own pages anyway! The kids and I had another fun afternoon at the "fish" park with some other friends. It was busy since the weather was so mild (64º).
Welcome to my blog. I hope to share some of my family's happenings here. Enjoy!
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