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Title: chapter 5: Holidays
Post Text The holidays in my house are quite crazy. Since my parents are divorced on each holiday I’m either with my mom’s side of the family or my dad’s. I am normally with my mom though, along with my brother and sister. When a holiday comes around my mom, my stepdad, my brother, sister, and I all head up to my grandmother and grandfather’s house in Aston Pennsylvania. Their house is about 45-50 minutes away from mine in LAC. We always have a big dinner on a holiday as a family. All together there is normally somewhere around 13 people. Like I said my immediate family of 5 is there, my grandparents, three of my uncles, my aunt, and my 2 cousins. When we are all there it is loud and crazy and it is like feeding time at the zoo. It is always a great time though, that’s why I love the holidays almost as much as I love the food served.
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