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Title: A Devastating Loss
Post Text On August 21, 2012 I received the worst news of my life. My dog, who was not only my best friend but also my brother, passed away. His name was Snuggles and he was my everything. Snuggles had been fighting kidney disease for about two years and was living on his daily medicine. He was the most lovable and friendliest dog who was always there for me in every situation. Snuggles was as fluffy and white as a cotton ball and he loved to snuggle! When he became even more sick, we knew it was time to take him to the veterinarian. I thought the vet would give Snuggles more medicine and everything would be okay, but the complete opposite happened. It was time for him to be put down. I never cried so much in my entire life, it was like a gushing fountain that would not end. When my family and I talked about his death we all said "We miss him so much!" I think about sweet, silly, spoiled Snuggles and my heart fills with sorrow. I will always miss him and I will never forget the memories we had together! Snuggles will always be my puppy!
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