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Title: Zack Dog
Post Text Zackary Binx Maxwell is his full name. Zack is my 9-year-old dog. He is a Pug with a smooched in face. Most people think Pugs are ugly, but I think he is cute. I named him after a cat in a movie I liked when I was little. Zack has a curly tail, loves to play fetch, eats, and sleeps. That is his agenda every day. He has a perfect life. Sometimes I take him for a walk every now and then if he really wants too. He loves to visit my Pop-Pop Jim’s house because they have a pug also, named Rizzo. They are always playing and wrestling together. Now I notice Zack is getting older so I take it easy on him. He still loves to do everything, just at a slower paste. I could not have asked for a better dog, named Zack.
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