Add a new post to blog So MUCH FUN!
Post Text These are my family! Hope to get to know you all much better and feel free to swing in sometime and take a visit. Blessings, KimberlyRae :)
Hello~ I just found out what a 'blog' is! lol So thought I would swing on over here and say how much I appreciate EVERYONE on SBFlair! Three weeks ago, I made my first scrapbook page and now look 19 pages later and 2 challenges My daughter Karissa and son Carson on are on here, too, now. :)! That's Progress!! Considering, how I have always been intimadated by Scrapbooking, pre-say (like with papers and all)They are still sitting in my studio. I love creating on the computer and hopefully will create a kit one day...! Until then I'm just having FUN FUN FUN! I love talking with all you and appreciate all your encouragement and kind words.
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scrapbook embellishments and backgrounds. Beautiful scrapbook prints and photobooks.