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Title: June 8, 2007
Post Text Blog entry 1: About me...Hmmmm... well, I'm a grandma to 4, 2 boys, 2 girls (twins), I am a mom of 2, one son and one daughter. I live in New York and I have 2 jobs outside the house. I work early morning cleaning offices, stores and homes, I then go to my second job which is in a florist. Mostly I deliver the flowers, but depending on the day, I can also do arrangements. In between the early morning cleaning job and the florist, I come home to take my grandson to school, then I jog off to the florist. I work until 2pm, then I go and pick up my grandson and head home to start my "evening" job (cooking, cleaning etc) I guess thats enough of an entry for now. ...To be continued..!!
Just a typical blog..nothing more, nothing
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