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Title: WOW!! Where has the year gone??
Post Text Here it is nearly the middle of June and I really and truly don't know where the year has gone! I am going to be really really busy the next few weeks. I turn the big whoppin 30 this coming Sunday which also happens to be Daddy's Day...My baby girl Daleigh will be here in less than three weeks and I get more excited every day....I also have two new apartment complexes opening in between (cross your fingers and hope opening isn't delayed any further LOL) BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, but that's just the way I like it!! I've been told that I get to pick out my birthday present this year, (30 must be too old for suprises lol) which I have decided will be a new digital camera. I mean, I figured it was the logical choice and all, me being a scrapbooker and with a baby on the who would say no to the decision for a new digital camera? To be's been quite some time since I've bought a digital camera. Just so you can get an idea, my last digital was the Sony Mavica which took the 3.5 inch floppys for storage. Yep...stone age! I'm usually a film junkie armed with my trusty Nikon, but I know that soon, diapers and formula will take the place of film and photo developing charges. So I set out to do a little research on the new digital cameras. Wow the choices out there...It's like picking out a pair of underwear in Victoria's many little time. I stood there at the counter...jaw open in amazement! Megapixels, shutter lag, optical zoom...yes I'm familiar with all of the terms, but still, there were just so many choices, and colors even. If I decide on this model, ooooh I can get it in favorite color! LOL I was a bit disappointed that the more budget friendly cameras didn't have the large optical zoom option that I love, but at the same time, with 7+ MP...I guess who needs that 10X+ optical zoom? I've done research till I can't stand to look at user reviews any more.. My birthday is in four days and I've still to make up my mind...(not an unusual thing for me I might add) so I'm looking for suggestions...Have a camera you just can not live without?? Let me know. I'd trust everyone here at flair, you all being fellow scrappers and camera junkies, before I would take the word of someone posting a review on a site. I NEED YOUR HELP PICKING OUT MY PRESENT!!!
What do you do when you work full-time, go to school full-time, have a small farm, three four legged children, a significant other, and no time for yourself or your scrapbook addiction? You scrap on the the office on breaks or when the boss is gone (lol), on the laptop during class, in the college library, ANYWHERE you can find the time!
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