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Title: Scrapping in leisure
Post Text Wow, what a weekend! Somedays it's a wonderful thing to have a public service career, namely each day that is a government holiday! This short break from my hectic life provided me with something that I rarely ever get....the time to just sit down and scrap without having to sneak it in. I wandered around the house this morning after all the chores were completed, breakfast had been cooked, homework tackled, and all the animals were fed...I felt, well, a little strange. I had a few free moments, but what was I to do...HMMMMMM. Hello!!! It's scrap time! I do have to admit, it felt strange. Sitting down at my computer at home, not worrying about who was coming around my desk, or looking over my shoulder. I almost couldn't pull things together to scrap in leisure at home. It just felt too awkward. Finally I thought, I need to start a new project so that I can feel at least pressured enought to effectively scrap in my given "style". So I began baking some brownies hoping that running between checking thier progress and scrapping would give me just the pressure boost I needed. Well, I did manage to complete a page. Not my best I believe, but completed. Maybe I'll just stick to what I do best.
What do you do when you work full-time, go to school full-time, have a small farm, three four legged children, a significant other, and no time for yourself or your scrapbook addiction? You scrap on the the office on breaks or when the boss is gone (lol), on the laptop during class, in the college library, ANYWHERE you can find the time!
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