My Daily Blog
May 25, 2009

Sleepless children

It's a bit after 1 am. I am here with my alone time typing in forums and along comes the 2 year old boy. Wide awake. He lays besides me and decides he needs to help me type. He keeps pushing the buttons, I keep going back and editing what I have written. He smiles and tells me " i love you mommy, are you happy?" I'm very happy I reply and now he "boops" me on the nose. Some silly little game his 16 year old sister has taught him. He is so cute. What are you going to do?
posted by KDHenson1973 @ May 25, 2009 | 0 comments | |
May 24, 2009

Scrappy happy

Thanks for helping me enjoy scrapping everyone. I dont think I would have liked it as much without this great group.

I just figured out how to get this blog working. For the past couple of days it only had a title. Hehe.

Today was a great day. My children ( age 3 and 4 ) decided that my rug would look better painted green. The paint was in a box I recieved when my grandmother passed away years ago. Naturally it would take toddlers to find it. Nice oil based paint...

I also got my son a cute little gift from Kohl's. His 3rd birthday is in a few days. They have these books with matching plushies for 5$ each. They are really cute.

posted by KDHenson1973 @ May 24, 2009 | 0 comments | |
Created: May 20, 2009

May, 2009
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