Jamie's 25!!
I'm excited today, my sister-in-law is turning 25!. ...... Now I know you're probably wondering why I would be excited for that... Well Jamie is vary special to me and our family, she was born with many problems and bascily it was/is so bad that the doctor's didn't think she would live past 2 days, well she did!. Then they said if she did then she wouldn't function like a normal child, she would be a vegitable, she wouldn't be able to talk and write or anything for that matter, well again she proved them wrong!!.LOL. This girl can talk, sing, write, do puzzles, play games, she kicks my butt a cards all the time. :) She is such an awesome person and I'm glad I know her and am able to share in all she does. Please join me in wishing her a wonderful and outstanding 25th Birthday. I love you JayJay!!!.
Created: Jun 20, 2009

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