March 9, 2007

color therapy...

ok, what i found out is that Colour Therapy also known as Light Therapy, Chromatherapy and Colourology,is the use of colours to change a persons mental health by means of coloured rooms, light bulbs, crystals, fabrics, etc. This type of belief has existed in many of the oldest forms of beliefs in the East but it was not until the late 1800's that the West took a large interest in the theory of colours. Fundamentally it is based upon the theory that all light is a frequency therefore each colour has a frequency of its own. As science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed mearly re-distributed then each frequency has an effect on each person. During the 1970's-1980's scientific tests have shown some sort of connection between health and colours, in fact colour consultants and even some psychologists use colours to instigate positive results from patients that are or feel ill. Colour experts inform us that no one room should be one colour but have a variety of colours and therefore frequencies. I find this very interesting and true. I wonder what the meaning of each color is...mmmm...will have to find out :)
My sister Shirin
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posted by . Nayyan Chandler @ Mar 9, 2007 | 1 comments | |
March 6, 2007

What is inspiration?

To me, its a feeling more than a thought...its looking at something and feeling the beauty of it. So if I see a beautiful sunset or a pretty flower and it makes me feel good, i think to myself, how can I get that same feeling from my pages or designs.

Then I concentrate on the colors and go from there.

I will look up some information on color therapy as I know for sure that color has an impact on our mood and our feelings.
Letting go...
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Follow your dreams!
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My grandmother Maria
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posted by . Nayyan Chandler @ Mar 6, 2007 | 1 comments | |
In this blog I will share my thoughts on what inspires me in my designs and scrapbooks. I would love to read your thought on the subject too so we can uplift our creative side and inspire eachother.
Created: Mar 6, 2007

March, 2007
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