In Case You Were Wondering...
July 31, 2006

What is this?

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...This is the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. It's located in Washington, D.C. However, it's tucked away in the middle of nothing special. It's not even within walking distance of any of the other memorials or sites. It was a must see on our November boyfriend (I hate that term...I'm 35 with two kids and he's got two kids. Makes me feel 16 again. Partner gives people the wrong impression and companion makes me feel like I'm a senior citizen...oh well, anyway) my boyfriend is a Police Sergeant. I am so glad that we went to see it. It's beautiful and even though it's in a busy neighborhood, it's very peaceful. It is flanked on either side by these low-lying, curved white walls. Both of the walls bear the names of Law Enforcement Officers (police, FBI, prison guards and jailers) who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Did you know that 31 of 75 officers killed last year lost their lives due to automobile accidents and 5 of those were outside of their vehicles on stops. aware of officers that are pulled over to the side of the road . They are attempting to keep you safe on the road...please do the same for them. These men and women are not "fuzz" or "pigs" they are husbands/wives, fathers/mothers, sons/daughters who are just doing their jobs and they are all loved by someone!
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
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posted by JennHenn @ Jul 31, 2006 | 0 comments | |

A Winner!

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...Why am I posting this page on my blog...again? Well, I have to pat myself on the back...wait...I need to wipe a few tears. Ok, I'm better now! I can't believe first Scrapbook Flair page is the Scrapbook of the Week! I am in awe. Like I said before, it's taken me a number of years to actually complete this page. Although, my goal was to complete it the "traditional" way...I am more than happy with the digital result and am just pleased that I finally did a tribute to my uncle. I guess the lesson here is that it doesn't matter how the memories are put down...just get them down! Scrapbook Flair is helping me do just that...getting the pages out of the file folder/box and into the world to be shared! Thank you to everyone who voted for my page. I was proud of it when I completed it and now I am...speechless! In the words of the wonderful Sally Fields...You like me! You really like me! LOLOL! Thanks again and good luck to eveyone posting!
Uncle Robert - An American Hero
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posted by JennHenn @ Jul 31, 2006 | 2 comments | |
July 29, 2006

A Tribute to the Tributes...

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING... I just posted my latest page and it might seem strange to some people. I'm from an average size city - Racine, Wisconsin. We're between Milwaukee, WI and Chicago, IL on the shores of the Great Lake Michigan. Racine boasts the largest parade in's long...real less than 3 hours! I'm not kidding. Well, back to my page. We have these 5 amazing floats, three of which are featured. They are real life veteran's replicating three of the veteran memorials in Washington, DC. They are the Marine Corps Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Vietnam Women's Memorial. The other two not featured are the Boys of 1776 and the Spirit of '76. I didn't include them on this page because I didn't have good shots of them and I don't have pictures of the actual memorials...I don't know that they even exist. As they move along the parade route, a kind of wave happens. Everyone stands, children and women place their hands on their hearts, men remove their caps. There is a moment of silence for those who these memorials honor and than a roar of applause for the 9 men and 3 women who paint themselves up and remain motionless for blocks. The 5 men who are on the Marine Corps Memorial have this wonderful ritual. They have dog tags bearing the names of the actual men who raised the American flag at Mt. Suribachi (I'm sorry but I know I probably spelled that wrong). Each man wears the dog tab of the veteran he is portraying. Most people might think that only a really crazy person would chose to wear military garb and body paint in 90 degree weather remaining motionless for three hours. Not so, in Racine, is an honor!
Veteran's Honor
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posted by JennHenn @ Jul 29, 2006 | 0 comments | |
July 27, 2006

Touching History...literally!

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING... I'm in a somber scrapbooking mode right now. Most of my pages are dark colors and memorials or tributes.

This is THE flag that flew over the Pentagon just after 9-11. It's faded and has some dirty marks on it. When you enter the Smithosians Museum of American History it's just inside the rotunda hanging with the information board in front of it. I got the four smaller pictures cropped from a picture of that board. The flag is not behind glass or ropes or barracades of any kind. There weren't a whole lot of people milling around at that time so after I snapped the pictures, I walked right up and grabbed the lower right corner. WOW! I can not tell you the incredible feeling you get when you actually get to touch a piece of history!

During that same visit, we got to see THE Star Spangled Banner. It's behind glass and is in the process of being preserved. You can't take pictures of it but just seeing it...again...WOW!

I had a family friend killed in the second tower on 9-11. Scott Johnson. He was able to get a call out to his family just before the second tower was hit. The family figures that the second plane plowed right into his floor giving him no chance to escape. I dedicate this page to him and all those lost on that day that we can never forget
Touching History - The Pentagon Flag
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posted by JennHenn @ Jul 27, 2006 | 0 comments | |
July 26, 2006

My First Scrapbook Flair Page


This is the first page that I created using this program. It's a page that I've been wanting to complete for several years. In fact, I have a started page from 2001...I just couldn't find the right embellishements, pens...what have you.

So, when I came upon this software, it was kind of like my savior. It not only saved me money, but an incredible amount of time!

I'm a history buff and I can't wait to make my third trip to Washington, D.C. I love the patriotic feeling and the pride that the visitors have. Never having met my Uncle, I am drawn to the different Veteran's memorials...the Vietnam one's, of course, more than others. I've volunteered at the Wall's moving memorial and that's how I came upon the information that is included on the page. One can only imagine the tremendous sense of loss I felt when I learned that he had only been in Vietnam for 10 short days before he was killed. So, I felt it was important to complete a page in his memory and that it be simple yet very direct. I hope it inspires you to create a memorial to any military heroes that you know and love and maybe even long to see again...or wish you had the chance to meet.
Uncle Robert - An American Hero
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posted by JennHenn @ Jul 26, 2006 | 1 comments | |
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
Created: Jul 26, 2006

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July, 2006
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