Howdy Ya'll
December 5, 2007

elvis challenge

Thank You all again for your wonderful pages!I had so much fun looking at them.It was very hard to choose 10 favorites because I absolutely loved them all.I know my mom will be HUNKA HUNKA BURNING WITH LOVE!!!!!!!So with out further adieu,
Congrats First place winner
" Elvis "-savannah's grand mawmaw
Second place
elvis challenge-sugarpops
And Challenge owner's choice
A shining star-savannah's grand mawmaw

Now for the ten I picked for the gift....well eleven

All About Elvis
by brenda house

Army Elvis
by ACMommy28

A Shining Star
by savannah's grand mawmaw

" Elvis "-savannah's grand mawmaw

by handyman20002

The King
by handyman20002

A Tribute to Elvis
by LadynRed_44

All about Elvis
by limeynana

by limeynana

elvis challenge
by sugarpops

by 19kippie68
posted by bjtmouse @ Dec 5, 2007 | 0 comments | |
Just wanted to say hi and thanks for the nice comments on my pages.I am still trying to get used to the whole digital scraping thing and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful pages you all have.
Created: Jun 27, 2007

December, 2007
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