Mindy's scrap's, random thoughts, and a few rants I am sure
October 31, 2007

It disappeared...

The other day I was updating my blog and poof it disappeared. Hmmm. Well not much is going on my dr. called yesterday and said I am pretty much fine, woohoo! Other than that we actually have nothing going on. So there for I don't have anything to scrap ugghhh!
posted by mbuechler @ Oct 31, 2007 | 0 comments | |
October 29, 2007

Longest Day Ever...

Well I was suppose to get my results back from my tests last friday, well I called and they can't release anything til the Dr. signs the report, the Dr. has been out all last week So its 2:32 on Monday and I am still waiting! God love my husband, he made sure he was home friday incase of bad news, and he even called to try to get something out of them. I guess I am just anxious because they said last friday, so that was already aweek of not knowing and then I woke up Friday and I thought wow the wait is finally over, even if it is good or bad, then I call and they say SOMETIME next week well thats s flippen huge time line!!! SO ALL I HAVE IS UGGGHHH!!
posted by mbuechler @ Oct 29, 2007 | 0 comments | |
October 21, 2007

Why me?....

My mom always tells me things happens for a reason and God only gives you what you handle, well I think its time He and I sit down and have a chat. Dr. Case’s theory, “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.” Ok well STOP I think I am strong enough! And my lovely sister – “ Well I would like to say bad things are suppose to only happen in threes” I think what she meant is cats have nine lives and your pretty darn close.
Jared actually got excited when he got the parts to fix the brakes on the van, I told him that was pretty sad that new brakes for the van (remember the one that sucks) is the most exciting thing we have going on. I went to my Chrones doctor on Tuesday good news there, its in remission, again not getting my hopes up I think the last time we thought that a month later I was in the hospital. Then I had my other icky doctors appt. on Friday didn’t go nearly as well, but I will get the results back on Friday, not looking forward to that at ALL!
I just keep asking myself why me, oh well who knows.
Maddie had her father daughter hoe down at school on Friday. She said she really enjoyed herself, Her and Jared made a deal, Since Rob was going to take her Jared got to dress her. And she looked so cute I am sure I will do a page for her.
Lauren goes back to school tomorrow first day in 2 weeks, and she is so excited. Her teacher had the class make get well cards for her, so we got those and the last of her homework to her so she is all ready and not to far behind hopefully. Other then that not a lot else is going on.
posted by mbuechler @ Oct 21, 2007 | 0 comments | |
October 8, 2007

What a Day...

Well Lauren had her tonsils and adenoids out his morning, I am still not sure it happened, by the way she is acting. After being up all night worried to sick about her she arrives at the hospital with her dad and Rene, bouncy and bubbly as ever. So Rob, Rene, Jared’s dad and I take her to check in, and they almost immediately take her back to her room, where Lauren proceeds to fill out her health history with the nurse. So we are waiting for them to bring her, her sleepy juice, while she provides entertainment for the nursing staff. They ask her which flavor of anesthetic she wants at which point now she’s even more excited since its strawberry. So they give the sleepy juice and she’s off. Rob and I have to watch a quick video on discharge instructions, maybe 5 minutes, Donna stops in to say Hi, and I look up and there stands Laurens Dr. “She’s done it went great” HOLY COW, it has maybe been 10 minutes,no I am serious 10 minutes tops, so she’s in recovery for awhile, and then come back to the room. The nurse that was with her the entire time said they took her back, she jumped on the table looks at them and says “Let’s get this done”, only my child. So we spend the rest of the time just waiting for her to wake up, and as she’s going in and out, she realizes she is not a huge fan of the I.V. in her hand, so she looked at John and I and yells well “If I didn’t have this I could be on my field trip” She wake’s up again gets a blue slushy, and it’s time to come home. She finished her slushy on the way, we get home and then she was on to Popsicles, then jello, then macaroni, then more Popsicles, and then she wanted scrambled eggs. See I am pretty sure it didn’t happen! And to think I got no sleep!
posted by mbuechler @ Oct 8, 2007 | 0 comments | |
October 7, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Jared and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary Friday. It was wonderful, he ran out and bought me cards and a dozen peach roses, and they are absolutely beautiful. Then we took a nap together. Then we left for the concert, Taylor Swift, Rodney Atkins, and Brad Paisley. We stopped for dinner on the way at Raffertys. Then we headed down to the concert, when we got there it had been sold out so it was packed. Well I had got our tickets through the fan club so until we picked them up we had no idea where we sitting, so we picked them up and I looked at the ticket, it said Row C, not bad third row I thought. Well after having to go through what seemed like a couple dozen security people to get to our seats, we were there, ROW C in the PIT!!!! Woohoo!! So we were right at the stage. We sat next to some of the neatest people I have ever met; we were the 7th
and 8th seat in from the walk out. And before the show we were talking to the couple on the very end I had mention how much I would love to touch Brad. So low and behold when Brad started to sing “Celebrity” the guy came down and told me to go take his seat, although Brad didn’t come down the walkway, I was so close and got awesome pics! It was just amazing to be that close. When Taylor Swift came out on stage, you could actually see that she had Goosebumps! So close Jared even caught Brad’s guitar pick’s for me. There was another couple next to us, they were from Kentucky, but the husband grew up in West Carrolton, and they were also very friendly, and since they were older it was kind of nice, since it wasn’t like they were throwing beer all over anything or us. Believe me the crazies were out though, we went up to get a shirt and a drink, and next to the tent was a guy laying on the ground in handcuffs, apparently the idiot in flip flops thought he could run through the main gate and out run security, then there was the lady that thought she should be the privileged one that should go on stage and let Brad talk on her cell phone to some random person. But all in all it was an awesome show, and a wonderful Anniversary!
posted by mbuechler @ Oct 7, 2007 | 0 comments | |
October 2, 2007


Well this is starting out as a good week. The Patriots stomped the Bengals just as predicted (like there was any doubt) Other then that I am off for the next week, so I am doing some cleaning fun, fun. Friday is Jared and I's two year anniversary, and were going to see Brad that night, woohoo!! Monday, Lauren will go in for her surgery, scares me to death but I know she will be better off in the long run.
Other then that just frustrated I have no pictures to scrap, uggh!! I am sure I can find something
posted by mbuechler @ Oct 2, 2007 | 0 comments | |
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
Created: Jun 28, 2007

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