het begin is er
August 20, 2007


how you become a prize or award?
can or must i make it myself or do you get a award or any other prise from scrapbookflair directie?

can i make one of myself to send it to the winner? and how do i send it?

i dont get that part of the challenges ...
posted by marianna68 @ Aug 20, 2007 | 0 comments | |


how you become a prize or award?
can or must i make it myself or do you get a award or any other prise from scrapbookflair directie?

can i make one of myself to send it to the winner? and how do i send it?

i dont get that part of the challenges ...
posted by marianna68 @ Aug 20, 2007 | 0 comments | |
August 14, 2007

how become a friend or fan?

can anyone tell me how i must do this? become a friend or fan of someone?
posted by marianna68 @ Aug 14, 2007 | 1 comments | |
ja het begin is er idd whaha dit is de eerste scrap die ik heb gemaakt , moet nog wel ff oefenen, ben gewend om met psp te werken en dit is toch wel heel anders, moet zeggen dat ik er best veel lol in heb, nou tot de volgende scrap dan maar.
Created: Aug 14, 2007

August, 2007
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