gypsykate says:
If you're uploading by clicking on the UPLOAD bar from your homepage - after putting the scrapbook title and clicking on NEXT, you will see that you can upload up to 5 pages. so here just browse for upload file 1 then upload file 2 before clicking on UPLOAD button (which appears after you check the right to distribute).

Personally, I prefer to upload via the Digital Scrapbooking Software available from SBF's main/home page under FREE DOWNLOADS. Using this, you can upload more pages, higher res files and you will know when you're using a title that you had used before. After opening the software, begin by CREATING A NEW PROJECT then START A BLANK PROJECT, you will be asked to select a template - on the left side choose paper size and orientation then click on SHOW STANDARD TEMPLATE - i usually choose borderless, then click on CLICK TO ADD IMAGE - you now have your first page. From , theoptions at the top bar, choose PAGE and scroll down to choose NEW PAGE and follow the same procedures to upload your 2nd page. (you can keep repeating until you have all the pages you like to upload for your album). Then, click on SHARE and you'll be asked to give name of scrapbook and to specify whether it's for public or private - i usually choose private first, view it on my homepage then change settings to public after putting page description and credits.

I hope this is clear and I hope it helps.

Aug 27, 2009
gypsykate says:
After uploading your album, you must then post both pages individually in the challenge. so people can vote on each page if they wish. Yet, whichever page they open, they'd see the album with the two pages.
Aug 26, 2009
oklahomadawn says:
I feel like such an idiot! I was finally able (after 4 attempts) to get the 2 pages uploaded as an album, however even though when I click on the "post scrabook page" button it shows both pages individually, whether I click on one or both pages, only 1 page shows up in the challenge, and when I click on the "post scrapbook page" button again it doesn't show the other page. hmmmmmmm, any further suggestions? thanks so much!!!
Aug 26, 2009
oklahomadawn says:
okay, never mind the previous post....definitely have a blonde moment or oldtimers moment or both pages to post...whew!!!!!!!
Aug 26, 2009
gypsykate says:
at least you have the option of claiming to have a blonde moment, i have moments like this and can only call them senior moments. *lol*
Aug 27, 2009
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