G.D.Brocklebinder Missing

y2bonnie says:
I cannot leave comments to my pages for some reason today, I have notified Flair. So I will attempt to leave the comments here about this page.

G.D.Brocklebinder went missing in 1869 after a visit to the Ballyvarna Brockle Tart Factory. It was widely believed that G.D. fell into one of the many Brockle vats. At the time of his disappearance he was to be married to Lizzie Lumplauder, his childhood sweetheart (shown on the page left standing at the altar hoping he would show) It was also rumored that he was seen around town with several other ladies of the day. The picture in the bottom left is from happier time, G.D with 5 of his sisters and a barrel of Brockle Tart. The pic at the top left is Esmirelda and Bessie Brocklebinder at the time of his disappearance. (Esmirelda was the inventor of the Brocklebinder for the Brockelhalter)
Nov 22, 2007
grandpa_david says:
Your comment is on your page OK.
Nov 22, 2007
grandpa_david says:
OK I understand. You were not able to leave the full comment. There appears to be a limit of 400 characters on each of these boxes, but when you go over, if it is the first time it just vanishes, and subsequently just refuses to accept the addition.

I have made a request for this limit on these boxes to be displayed like they are everywhere on the site.
Nov 22, 2007
grandpa_david says:
Now here is an interesting thing. It seems the limit is actually 500 characters - I have been doing some checking. I have tested some dozen or so pages from different people and if you copy and paste the text of the comment into notepad, or textpad, you get the comment twice on some pages. The two lines are identical except that there will be an extra space after one of the fullstops, and at the end there is an extra line feed and 2 aditional spaces.

Try screen scaping a comment or two from your own pages. If when you have highlighted the text, there is an extra space at the end, I can pretty much guarantee you will get 2 sets of the comment, and 2 extra spaces on the next line. If there is not you will get one set and no extra spaces.

I would like to know from anyone reading this if you get the same. I am going to do some more experimentation before I contact support, but I think it might be a clue to comments about the page that will not be editied. It's because there are 2
Nov 22, 2007
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