...Me again...

lally28 says:
Just wanted to explain why I'm posting several pages in this challenge. I do not want to win this challenge. I will not vote for my pages. I'm so very concerned about this problem that I want EVERYBODY to see what can be made to poor pure and innocent children. Each time I make a page and I read the story of those children, my heart hurts. This is the reason why I'm making these pages. Not to win a price but to make people aware of this problem and the fact that it is not so rare. I CANNOT accept or tolerate this kind of things. Never and ever. People that do those things cannot be called "human beings".
Dec 8, 2007
kpoddream says:
very well put and i completely agree...how people can harm a little human being is so beyond my realm of thinking...i cannot tolerate it either...
Dec 7, 2007
rev-0-lution says:
Hey lally and kpoddream. I understand and the challenge isn't set up really to be a challenge but more of an awareness. Post as many as you want to and as many as you can.

Here in New Zealand we have a huge issue with child abuse. Little Nia was unfortunately the child lost that made NZers wake up and realise that we have a huge problem here. Our government has approached the issue the wrong way, we had a smacking bill passed a few months ago despite the uproar from many parents like myself. The bill prohibits us from smacking our children. It's okay to smack, it's not ok to beat and torture.

The horrifying thing to me about Nia is that neighbours saw her being beaten and did nothing. She was put in a clothes dryer, spun on a line by a scarf around her neck. I look at my child and step-children and just can't imagine ever hurting them. It's sick.

Do go and have a look at my youtube links attached to my Nia page. Another bit I have done to try do my part.
Dec 8, 2007
kpoddream says:
wow...i didn't go and see Nia's story yet but what you said about the neighbors seeing and doing nothing is so, so evil in my opinion...also Kelsey Briggs has a place on her website that you can go and light a candle for her memory..it only takes a minute of time....
Dec 8, 2007
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