I can't get tje åoctires

Fjord says:
The URL adress pictures:http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd311/TinasCreations/?mediafilter=all
doesn't seem to work for me.
Hugs Fjord
Dec 27, 2007
Tina's Creations says:
Hi Fjord, I don`t know why it won`t work for you maybe you can pm me with you e-mail adress and I will send you the album that way! Hope it works, really want to see what you come up with all the pages are AWESOME!:0)
Dec 25, 2007
shawtyp says:
I was having the same problem and then I realized that I was copying and pasted the whole address and the word pictures, and that was why it wasn't working..
Dec 27, 2007
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