Charity Kits

by rideascrapbook says:
Please feel free to post any Charity kits you find here!
May 22, 2008
apupplo says:
These are the ones I have found.....

"Gift for a Friend" @ -- raise money for a military family who lost their dad and husband. has several kits all benefitting "Food for the Poor" campaign. has a different kit for different charities every month....this month is for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research....the name of the kit is 'Take Flight'
May 21, 2008
by rideascrapbook says:
Here is another kit from Carol Burns benefitting Burma Relief
May 21, 2008
KarynM says:
Heres the HOPE kit I used from Designs by Sassy (not me)

To get the Kit all you need to do is send a donation (minimum $10) to the Cancer Charity of your choice! I chose Breast Cancer.

May 22, 2008
KarynM says:
Day of the Daffodils - This kit is dedicated to everyone who has ever lost anyone they love to cancer, or anyone who has been affected by this disease in any way.
May 22, 2008
KarynM says:
Love U 4-Ever :~: A Charity Kit for Alex's Lemonade Stand

"I'll love you forever, I'l like you for always..." These are the opening words to the much beloved book by Robert Munsch about the enduring love of a mother for her son and the inspiration behind the Love U 4-Ever mega kit.

May 22, 2008
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