Challenge Requirements

KarynM says:
Please be sure to read the requirements carefully.

Must include journalling outlining your understanding of the chosen religion/spirituality
Must be a religion other than your own
Any page denigrating any religion/spirituality will be removed without notice.
Aug 1, 2008
KarynM says:
After contacting the owner I've had to remove some pages as they did not meet the requirements. Had the challenge been "depict your understanding of a particular word or phrase" they would have been fine, but without identifying the spirituality or religion the word came from, the pages did not "outline your understanding of a religion/spirituality".

However, one similar page has not been removed since it did outline the owner's understanding of a spirituality (which is identified on the page) saying what the essence of that spirituality is (to her).

Please dont hesitate to contact me if this needs clarifying.
Sassy Willow
Aug 1, 2008
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