Removal of Pages....YIKES!!

KimberlyRae says:
Man, I just can't stand having to remove pages for not meeting all the requirements! But I have had to since I do believe Any challenge owner should uphold the rules. I was hoping the owners of these pages would have reworked their page(s) and resubmitted.
I Never like Removing pages It almost makes me ill....Thank you for your understanding(if not please private pm me...and please no bashing me for doing my job) and will repost your new siggy's and hopefully you're addicted to making a ton of these.
Thank you,

Aug 19, 2008
katydid73 says:
the only reason I can think of that my page was removed was that it was mostly black, but I put a black square on a white background so i would be in compliance with the rules.
Aug 19, 2008
Ashkenazi Lynne says:
l gather mine was removed asl can not find it. l did put the rolling siggy onto a white background on my graphics page as l used a white square shape to put the rolling siggy onto it..
Is it my fault that SBF changes the colour slightly when it uploads.
I also DO NOT understand how you can praise me re my siggy in one breath and remove me in the next...
Rest assure Kimberley this is the last challenge of yours l will enter.....
Aug 19, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
I am sorry you feel that way.....but it's up to you....I can't please EVERYONE ALL the's either someone is complaining I don't uphold challenge rules (which I believe Every owner should) or someone is mad when I do...this makes it difficult for a lot of challenge owners and that's why I don't have too many...too stressful.
Flair says they monitor and remove pages that are not in compliance with challenge requirements(you can ask the administer if you wish...anyone can), I would perfer to send a Curtesy note to the scrapper (this is not required But I prefer to do so, as I would want the challenge owner to do for me).
I, personally would like to see everyone have FUN, LEARN, CHallenge thier Abilities and be happy with it all. ox
Aug 19, 2008
trishie says:
i didnt read the requirements proply sorry guys
Aug 19, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
thank you for your understanding, dear you are always appreicated for your FUN 'tude! ox
Aug 19, 2008
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