Great challenge, Great charity!

kezcreates says:
I have Alopecia Areata and have a lot of interest in the Locks of Love foundation. I do not have the Universalis or Totalis version but do lose my hair in clumps several times a year. Luckily mine grows back but for many people, children included, it falls out and never comes back. The Locks of Love foundation was started to help children with this as well as Cancer patients and I think it is a wonderful idea.
Dec 18, 2008
Rebel Cola says:
Me too I have wanted to donate for a long time and was finally able to on November 22. My hair was 2 ft long and they cut 10 inches I think. Its a great foundation and I thought it would make some great pages too. I made my own after I cut my hair that I uploaded, and that is what gave me the idea.
Dec 2, 2008
Chocoholic says:
My son in-law donated his hair to this and my best friends husband! Yes the guys donate too!LOL They were excited to get Dan's hair it was so pretty not abused like us gals do to ours!LOL I don't have any pictures of them doing this though so can't make a page but wanted you to know it is a great idea! So nice of you to donate your beautiful hair!
Dec 2, 2008
Rebel Cola says:
lol Yeah that is pretty cool. I usually treat my hair pretty good. It is naturally straight so I dont dry it or straighten or anything lol. I'm so excited about it, I really hope there are some people that have some experiences to share
Dec 2, 2008
bleedingmascara80 says:
I completely shaved my head. It was falling out, I had a brand new baby, I was dealing with a 15 month deployment with three small boys...I just decided one day that my hair was in the way and someone else could use it.
Dec 7, 2008
stay67 says:
I also have Alopecia Areata. I first found out that I had it when I was 15. I went totally bald when I was 19. I was lucky my hair grew back. I have always wanted to donate my hair to Locks of Love but havent been able to grow my hair out that long,but I keep trying
Dec 7, 2008
Rae Ann says:
I have donated twice and my hair is almost long enough to donate again. I will probably donate in the summer. My hair does not grow as fast anymore. But I don't have to color it yet. So I am going to keep donating as long as I can.

Since I have donated, 2 of my nieces who are cousins and the same age ended up donating the same week and we did not realize it until we got together and they both had cut their hair. They were about 8 at the time. I thought that was so cool. They have such gorgeous healthy hair. If I had known about Locks of Love when I was younger, I could have donated several more times.
Dec 18, 2008
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