did your page vanish?

photographerlady says:
please read the rules before posting

NO pages from other color challenges ( like just changing the color and using same page)


There is one I left that has black pants and white shirt ....because im counting that as "a photo" even though its fake people only because it doesnt stand out like green,blue, yellow, ectect would
Jan 12, 2010
cinza says:
Hi. In the photo I used the man has black pants and white shirt, but the rules says the photo is the only thing that doesnt have to be the color of the name of the scrap, because of that I used, rules doesnt say the photo cant be extracted...
I don´t understand what you mean "even though its fake people only because it doesnt stand out like green,blue, yellow, ectect would", sorry, I don´t speak english so well, and traslator doesn´t help me this time...maybe you can explain in other words...
Jan 6, 2010
photographerlady says:
your photo stayed so dont worry about it! are those people out of a photograph or a drawn or digital couple, they look like a digital element couple but its ok that one stayed
Jan 12, 2010
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