Thank you from Lola's Mummy

amelia123 says:
Hi all,

This is Lola's very proud Mummy, Heather.

My mum told me about this challenge so I have hijacked her account, as I do from time to time, hee hee!

I absolutely love all of the images you have all taken the time to create and am very appreciative.

There are some definate ones for my family album in here.

I don't have time to do things like this myself, but I love looking at images my mum creates and now the images you have all created. There is some real talent, just wish I could be as creative as you all!

Anyway, better go put Lola to bed now, she's been watching Dora for the last 2 hours! :o)

Thanks again and I will log on again towards the end of the challenge to see what more images have been added.

Kind Regards to you all,

Heather x x x x
May 27, 2010
MOM4EVR says:
hi heather...
your daughter lola is just GORGEOUS!!! ...could that possibly be due to the fact that her mom looks like penelope cruz!! :D

dora, hmmm......try watching barney the purple dinasour for 2 hours!! :P lol
again, thoroughly enjoying scrapping your beautiful lola!!!
take care, linda :)
May 19, 2010
FunkyFairyAnnie says:
thanx heather for allowing us to scrap your gorgeous daughter Lola, i really enjoyed making her page.. she is also famous on an website called after five designs in the in the photo galleries... my 5 year watches madagascar 2 over and over he watches it so much he does the commentating of the characters now... so glad he is now in hugs annie
May 19, 2010
Granny Franny says:
Heather, I've really enjoyed scrapping Lola, she is just so sweet! I have a little granddaugher who is just over 2 1/2 and I get so much JOY out of her! I'm hoping that someday soon down the road I will be blessed with a second grandchild. Enjoy your darling little girl, the years go by way too fast. I think that's why grandchildren are such a gift! Hugs Fran!
May 27, 2010
amelia123 says:
Hi Linda,

Thank you for your kind compliments about looking like Peneope Cruz...all I am gonna say mother is very good with the airbrush! ha ha!

Dear Annie, I have been through the Madagascar phase, it's currently iCarly - some rubbish programme my mother allows her to watch! I feel your pain!!

Fran, kids are so precious and I am very lucky to have a beautiful little girl who fills my life with laughter and love, she melts my heart regularly! Maybe give her a brother or sister one day, but not just at the moment! I need to recover for the last 5 years of sleepless nights and nursery fees first! :o)

Really, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to scrap my gorgeous little princess, we show her all your pages regularly and she loves thinking she is a little celebrity, lord only knows what we're doing for her ego, she'll be a diva when she's 18, no doubt!

Much Love

Heather x x x x
May 27, 2010
amelia123 says:

I am currently sitting with my mum going through the entries and picking my favourite entry.

If only I shared your talents, I could return the favour some day! Ahhh well, we can't all be artistic I suppose!

I adore all your entries, but there can only be 1 COC so apologies if it isn't your entry, I have a task ahead of me......better get cracking!

Thanks again, very much appreciated!

Heather x x x x
May 27, 2010
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