And now, I'M snortin' milk...again...ROFL!

oreosmeow says:
Definitely started out as a joke between us (had to explain why I commented *snort* on her page for Luisa's birthday and things just degenerated from there, ROFL!). So, everyone, we want to see your best "snortin' milk" song! LOL!
Feb 23, 2011
oreosmeow says:
Oh, there's no particular song - just make up or find a song that's funny enough that you'd snort while you laugh...and, should you happen to have milk in your mouth, well, you know what happens if you snort while you have milk in your mouth........!!!
Feb 22, 2011
goinscraphappy says:
Well like i said im diffently putting you artistic talent to work here...after this challange goes good i have another one in mind..but much
Yes it did start out as a joke and progressed from there..
Feb 23, 2011
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