Missing page from this Challenge!!

littlepixel says:
First of all, I am truly SORRY for the mix up when I commented under the same topic because the challenge is Goinscraphappys!! I am still learning where and how to post certain topics regarding certain things so, on that note.....
littlepixle says:

Dont know what happened?? I have had a snorten milk page in here since the first day and if you go to my scrapbooks, I am sure you will recognize it because ALOT of my friends voted on my page!!
I really DONT know what is going on but, I sure hope it STOPS SOON!! I will not be ran off of this site by anyone!! Thanks for voting for my SNORTEN MILK challenge page!!! I have had a few pages come up missing and it hurts! Your votes put me up to 3rd last night before the page disappeared out of the challenge!! I still have my points for the page itself and all of your lovely comments as well!
I am hoping this was some kind of mistake and will watch my pages more carefully even though there is really nothing I can do when it happens. It is upseting yes BUT, I need to just keep scrapping and forget about this too! THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS AND SUPPORT!!! "HAPPY SCRAPPING" Hugs, Littlepixel

Mar 11, 2011
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