LindaBlunk says:
Every single scrap in this challenge is magnificent in its own way. It saddens me to see 1, 2, or 3 challenge points given on anyone’s scrap. Here is SBF’s site rule on low voting:

CONSISTENT LOW VOTING. It is discourteous and also inappropriate to give consistently low votes (3 or less) to most scrapbooks, particularly if they are all the same Member's pages. If you really don't like someone's work, better to adhere to the adage: better to say nothing, please. In any case, consistent low voting is prohibited by the Site Rules as it discourages creativity and you can lose your membership over it – please don't do it.
May 22, 2012
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
yey for saying this for I don't like it ether I always give 10 points to all who I give points to.and in this challege I gave to everybody the pages are great
May 19, 2012
kate- says:
I also agree with this. Everyone puts so much effort into their pages, its sad to see people vote so low.. Im a 9 & 10 voting kinda gal.. I think all pages are equal in AWESOME-NESS and like to be fair. I try my hardest to vote accordingly to effects and techniques used.. Ones that jump right out at me and catch my eye get a 10...
I noticed that the lower numbers in the vote column are not highlighted, so i always assumed you couldnt click them..
May 20, 2012
mozzie46 says:
I agree with all of the above Linda. I like to always vote 9 or 10 vote for everyone, as I think all are very deserving artists. Hugs to all. Maureen xxxx
May 21, 2012
GmaCindy says:
Thank You Linda for saying something that should have been said... Its very discouraging when you work so hard on something ... post it then find someone votes a 2-3 on it.
May 22, 2012
GmaCindy says:
Ok I know you can't really vote a 2-3 but you feel like thats what has been done...

May 22, 2012
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