Flower power -- more than one favorite flower?

Lori47 says:
I have a least 2 or 3 "favorite flowers" so can we have more than one favorite flower allowed with, of course, each having its own page?
Dec 13, 2014
oklahomadawn says:
yes, you can create more scraps with different flowers, and in answer to your question regarding the peach rose scrap, technically the flowers on the bonnets count as additional flowers. I hope you saved your scrap where you can simply remove the bonnets and re-enter because I love the pattern you created with the ribbon strips for your background!! :)
Dec 12, 2014
Lori47 says:
Okay, will do! Since the bonnets had the "same flower" I thought it would be okay. Oh well. Thank you!
Dec 13, 2014
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