Can't we forgive our friends

Carena says:
Oh dear. This is very upsetting. I'm very sad to see so much bitterness regarding this challenge. I would have thought the more pages for Robbie the better. Can't everyone put their differences aside and focus on producing a wonderful result for Robbie.
Please understand we are only human and we can all make mistakes. This is a wonderful site for friendlyness and I thought friends could forgive one another when we make a mistake on occasions.

To Jennie - I'm sorry you are in this aweful postition. Between a rock and a hard place. Indeed not a nice place to be.

To Everyone else. Please can't we forgive our friends and move on to more important matters and wish Robbie all the best.

Just an outsiders view on the matter. I understand everyones feelings and don't wish to upset anyone as you are all my friends.
All the best and you are all winners in my opinion for simply participating in such a wonderful challenge.
Hugs to you all
Sep 6, 2007
Snug says:
It was never my intention to upset anyone. I simply just was told that someone was upset about the poem and also some photo's which shouldn't be there ....
I thought it sounded like a very "difficult" challenge, and please remember my first language isn't English, so I can easily missunderstand something.
I will upload my page for Robbie, cause it was made for Robbie in first place.
To you Jen, I am sorry you don't want to be my friend anymore, it's your choise and I respect it.
Sep 6, 2007
Lisadee says:
Carena is so right - our friendships here are more important ...lets just do whatever is necessary to keep them and forget about everything else. It is sad that people can cause upset over nothing much at all. Jensters, Snug, Cindee you are all special and so are your pages - big hugs to all of you, Lisa
Sep 6, 2007
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