How do you feel?

. Nayyan Chandler says:
I was wondering if you could share how you feel about the page you made. Did you show it to the person you did it about? What did they say?... It's amazing how much kids (or grown up kids :) ) appriciate and value what we as moms, aunts or grandmas say or do for them. Sometimes, we can change their life. May God bless you and all the kids in these pages! :)
Jan 25, 2007
scrapkatty says:
I always show my children the pages I've done on them, I feel it's important to show them how I feel all the time, even it's something as simple as scrapbooking. You can tell by the smile on their faces that they love the special attention. It makes me feel good. God Bless to you too and anyone else that reads this for that matter!
Jan 24, 2007
lilscrappydoo says:
I show my boys the pages I make. they r not as excited as they were when I first started.they say I need to get A new hobby that I don't need pic's of them. but I think deep inside they r happy with the pages I do. they just don't admitt it to me cuz u know it's not cool for teenagers.(HaHa)
Jan 24, 2007
doodlebug says:
My son thinks its cool, he is even getting into designing stuff, he downloaded ps cs2, to play, he loves my pages not just of him but them all except for my poetry pages, he's not into them yet!
Jan 25, 2007
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