Have a Photoshop tip to share?

LulaScraps says:

Feb 3, 2009
wvscrapqueen says:
In Photoshop 6, if you have several extracted layers and you need to marquee just the item, hit the ctrl button and click on the layer. The item will automatically be selected. (Saves all that magic wanding the clear space and inversing!)
Jan 31, 2008
debozark says:
Does anyone have a specific request on how to do something? I have learned quite a bit but there is still plenty to learn. If anyone has a specific question on how I have done something I am willing to share!
Feb 1, 2008
loza2008 says:
hi everybody>.
Feb 3, 2008
wvscrapqueen says:
There are FABULOUS tutorial on photoshopcafe.com and tutorialized.com
Feb 12, 2008
southflascrapper says:
Those are GREAT sites wv, thanks a bunch for sharing the links!
May 23, 2008
shannonsnan says:
Hi debozark - when I try to make brushes, especially with gradients they turn out semi-transparent and the back ground shows through, any ideas how to made them 'solid'. I was trying to make a brush that looked like a bead. I tried merging it with a white copy but that didn't work. I'd love some advice if you've any ideas - Shannonsnan
Aug 31, 2008
digi addict says:
My favorite site is www.photoshoproadmap.com. I learned a lot of stuffs from there and lotsa free downloads too.!
Sep 1, 2008
shannonsnan says:
Two of my favourite sites for tuts are
www.peachpit.com and
I've learnt heaps from both.
One of my most used kepboard shortcuts is
Alt +backspace : This fills current layer/selection with foreground colour
Sep 2, 2008
gypsykate says:
i'm bipolar so very hard for me to follow tutorials, i get agitated or sleepy. so i just experiment. play around with filters, effects and blending options. re effects, i play with gradient overlays and gradient maps a lot. don't be afraid to be adventurous, afterall you can always undo. the very first and most basic things i've learned about photoshop:
1) do things in different layers. so for example, if you're painting a face. put the nose on one layer, the eyes on another, etc.
2) where is the eraser? (the first question i called a friend to ask when i first opened photoshop)
3) how do you undo things (the 2nd question i asked *lol*). "control-alt-delete" remains one of my favorite commands.
Jan 28, 2009
gypsykate says:
omg, i meant CONTROL-ALT-Z! sorry for the mistake.

Jan 28, 2009
shannonsnan says:
Instead of using the eraser I use a layer mask. I find this more adaptable as you are not actually erasing the main photo layer and I find it more accurate.
Feb 3, 2009
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