About this scrapbook page:
I did this page for the Survivor challenge, as I said I don't know why I've finally told it (though very much refrained), but I guess I felt it was time...if there are any spelling mistakes - it's hard to type with tears streaming down your face.

Sue - my sister - I'm so sorry I never told you about this - it is something I cannot speak about out loud.

Comments for this scrapbook page:
neeltje says:
you are a survivor! and a very brave one!

May 7, 2009
lunnagiamp says:
I really have tears in my eyes just now... so sorry for that, you REALLY are a survivor!!
Apr 3, 2008
Honeycombs says:
Perhaps the first step for some peace of heart. YOU ARE A SURVIVOR (silent no more) praise God they did not take you down. Love and Blessings x
Jan 16, 2008
Erie Scrapper says:
BIG HUGS! Grief like this is only released though sharing...I hope this opened a doorway....

Jan 9, 2008
Claudia says:
I am speechless. I am so sorry!! It must have been very difficult. I would like you to know that I admire you! You are very brave!!I wish you all the love in the world!! God bless you.
Dec 26, 2007
SherryC says:
Wish I had known about this challenge... but with all that has gone on over the last two months, I am way behind... anyway... want to tell you that this will help you... just talking about it will help heal some of the pain. God Bless You for what you've been through and know that you aren't alone... there are lots of us who have survived some of the same things you've been through.

Dec 26, 2007
Lisadee says:
Oh my gosh - I don't know what to say - this moved me to tears .... I am so sorry it happened to you.
Dec 23, 2007
TaurusLady says:
How awful to have not been able to let this out a long time ago ~ but as everyone else has said yes you are a survivor, a very brave one at that ~ hopefully the healing process will continue and you have one very understanding and helpful sister to share your thoughts with...I wish you strength and love...hugs
Dec 17, 2007
dee_scraps says:
i know how it feels to keep something terrible inside. although your ordeal sounds worse than mine. keep ur chin up girl. letting it out is the first stp in a long long road of healing.
Dec 15, 2007
Amelia'sMumma says:
A very large well done. You have written it down and told your story. You have more courage than you know.
Dec 14, 2007
macdi says:
you are a survivor! and a very brave one!
thank you for sharing and i wish you lots
of love and strenght xxx
Dec 14, 2007
newtoit says:
Dec 14, 2007
beancounter says:
I am so sorry!!! I can't imagine how difficult this was for you to do. I hope this is the beginning of the long road toward healing for you:) You are very strong to be able to share this with us, and for the many years you have had to live with this secret. God bless you!
Dec 13, 2007
Ferro says:
Thanks for sharing your story and your suffering in silence for so long.I wish you strength and love.
Dec 13, 2007
shawtyp says:
wow... you are very brave, and a survivor for sure.. keep you head up and stay strong...
Dec 13, 2007
PetRaP says:
These feelings I recognize... But we survive, as you said. They ruined a part of us, our lives, but no way do we let them destroy it all. Survivors, yes... but winners as well.

Thank you for posting your story. You were stronger than I was - I thought of sharing mine, but just couldn't... :/
Dec 13, 2007
Schmooze says:
Sweetheart you did tell me. I'm not surprised that you don't remember because it was when you came to stay with me just after Crystal died. We cried and talked, and talked, and cried and you let out an awful lot of poison that had been inside for so long. For one so young you have dealt with so very much... You truly are a survivor, I just wish you didn't feel the need to do it alone.
Dec 13, 2007
nkin_22 says:
I have to agree with the rest. you are a SURVIVOR and it takes courage and strength to tell the whole world what you have been through. My heart goes to you.
Dec 12, 2007
jayaprem says:
WOW...your story brought tears in my eyes...u r truly a survivor...can't imagine what u have gone throug...u r so brave to have told this now to the world...
Dec 12, 2007
harmony74 says:
That was so brave of you to tell your story for the first time! I'd give you 1000 points if it would let me... thank you so much for sharing that.
Dec 12, 2007
Scrappy Lou says:
Oh, you sweet girl. I am so sorry about your pain and sadness all this time. My heart goes out to you. You are so brave to now be telling the world. Hugs, Louise
Dec 12, 2007
imforgven says:
You are truly a survivor.. A terrible thing was done to you, but you are strong.. I am a survivor too, we can beat this and we will win in the end because we are survivors..
Dec 12, 2007
Neighborgal says:
You are right... you ARE a survivor! I just can't imagine the pain you have endured over this! You are brave to share it, and I know from experience that it does help to talk about it.
Dec 12, 2007
danic says:
wow! amazing but terribly sad story. You are so strong to keep that in all these years.
Dec 12, 2007
kpoddream says:
WOW....this brought tears to my eyes...to endure this and hide it for so long..i cannot imagine...you are a strong woman...so very brave for sharing your story...
Dec 12, 2007
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