210 points (current score) Uploaded: Apr 4, 2021  
Viewed 626 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
My dedication to God, Jesus is profound as you can see that...Hehe I couldn't help myself from scrapping this exquisite, awesome art/painter by Debbie Clark. Her art (Jesus Carries His Sheep) is absolutely "gorgeous" and I wanted to show it of using my own scrapbooking ideas. Just please while visiting me be very very very quiet, the little lamb is sleeping! You do not want to wake him up. However, you can give it a caress and feel the softness of his wool. Hehe (wink) Please let me know what you think?
Design credits:
- Art (Jesus Carries His Sheep) by Debbie Clark

~If you have to come to these pages for joy, may you find it.~

................................................Happy Easter .................................................

Scrappin' for the love of "Easter".
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