220 points (current score) Uploaded: Mar 16, 2022  
Viewed 543 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
MY SCRAPBOOK: St. Patrick's is almost near, and this year it will be hard to celebrate St. Paddy's, but nevertheless there's always digital drawing & scrapping, to have fun with. Hehe Here's "Patrick's Hat", a sweet and very cute guy dressed for St. Patrick's Day! LOL I created the digital art version reference to a real costume funny photo, in which it's at the right bottom corner of the layout. So that, you can see the difference. Hehe Let me know what you think? Thanks.
Design credits:
The Story of St. Patrick's: Now, read my version in my layout ... LOL!

- Drawn in Illustrator, used filters/color for final touches - reference to a photo from Funny Halloween Costumes (net) - drawn by me!
- Papers/Backgrounds, elements, effects/text/other - all by me.
- I created the elements and papers background in PictureIt.
Creating for the fun of "ST. PATRICK'S DAY"
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